🚨⚾️ Heads up Baseball Umpires! ⚾️🚨

Baseball Alberta has opened several NUCP Clinics for the 2023 season! ⚾️

Sylvan Lake will be hosting LEVEL 1 clinics on APRIL 16th, at the Sylvan Lake Community Centre.
Please visit the link below to register!

Our season depends on umpires! Please head on over to baseballalberta.com for more information and to register today!!

Follow this link directly to NUCP clinic dates ➡️ http://baseballalberta.com/content/nucp-clinics

Softball Umpires: Please see additional posts for information on upcoming Softball Umpire clinics on our website >> sylvanlakeminorball.ca

If interested in LEVEL 2 Clinics please reach out to RYAN LUCAS > warningtrackpwr72@gmail.com

#baseballalberta #baseballumpires #albertabaseballumpires #nucpclinics